Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Grade Math Students

Please turn in your child's Intensive Math Workbook before Wednesday, October 7th with Topic 1 completed and signed off by you. I will be sending out the books again on Wednesday, October 7th, with Topic 2 as the new assignment. I'm hoping the conference holidays will provide many days of math opportunities for your children.

Also, don't forget about the "Counting Challenges" your children can be working on from the note sent out earlier in September. Every spare second we have, I'm asking the first graders, "Who's ready to take the Counting Challenge today?" Many have already counted by 1's to 25, & 10's to 100. This can be a fun and easy way to practice a little math in the car on your way to and from Silverwood! Thanks for your support and enjoy your Math time together! Miss Tracy